How to Find More Inspection Leads in a Historically Weak Housing Market

home inspector

Things have been tough lately in the housing industry. This past August, only 401,000 homes were sold across the country, according to Mike DelPrete and the National Association of Realtors. To put it simply, that’s the least number of homes sold in August since August 2010, and it’s a big 24% drop from the average August sales we’ve seen since 1999.

It’s a tricky time out there, but we’re here to help home inspection businesses navigate it smartly by maximizing your lead generation opportunities, and by helping you increase your average inspection revenue, too.

Our partners at ISN recently wrote two articles about getting more clients with a minimal marketing budget, which you may also want to check out for more ideas for building your business in a down market:

Low-Cost Ways to Get More Clients For Your Inspection Business Online
Low-Cost Ways to Get More Clients For Your Inspection Business Through Networking

Now, let’s discuss America’s Call Center – ACC – and how it can help your home inspection business make more money…

ACC – Maximizing Lead Generation and Revenue

ACC acts as a strategic partner for your home inspection business, offering an integrated customer service and communication solution. Whether you’re a sole proprietor or a multi-inspector firm, ACC is designed to support your operations in various ways:

✅ Scheduling and Maintenance: ACC helps schedule and manage inspections, ensuring a seamless workflow.
✅ Maximizing Revenue: ACC excels at executing upsells and add-ons for inspections, increasing your revenue per inspection.
✅ Order Processing and Logistics: ACC efficiently manages order processing and logistics, ensuring a smooth inspection process.
✅ Lead Flow: ACC provides 70+ hours per week of call coverage, ensuring you’ll never miss an inspection inquiry again.
✅ Customer Service: ACC offers top-notch customer service, enhancing the overall client experience.
✅ Competitive Research: ACC can help you stay ahead of the competition with competitive research insights.
✅ CRM Integration: ACC seamlessly integrates with popular CRM solutions, such as ISN, to enhance both the virtual back office and front office experience for your clients.

One of the standout advantages of using ACC is its cost-effectiveness.

Hiring a full-time receptionist or office manager can be costly when considering salaries, benefits, and office equipment. Hiring an outsourced virtual assistant may sound like a feasible option, but you’re likely to spend endless hours training your new assistant in the nuances of home inspections, in the hopes they can handle inbound calls and effectively book inspection appointments for you.

ACC’s team is well-versed in inspections and inspection sales, ready to jump into the work from day one with streamlined training and onboarding. We know all the right questions to ask, because we do this every day! This creates a more budget-friendly alternative to optimize your operations and boost profitability in your home inspection business. With ACC as your virtual front office, you can focus on what you do best — inspecting homes — while our team handles the rest, from lead generation to maximizing revenue per inspection.

Want to get started with ACC? Click here to get a free quote now!